Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Has Flown by Already!

I have been working so much and didn't realize it's almost 
the middle of July! 
We have kept ourselves busy but haven't taken may pictures along the way. 
Summer here is so beautiful and I need to start capturing every moment of it. 
We have been trying to spend more time with the teenager and do things that he enjoys now... before he is up & out of the house. 
He has a job now so that has been taking him away. 
I'm not complaining. He is good at his job and he likes it.  
Here are the few photos that I've taken along the way.....

 Last Field Trip in 5th Grade - Outdoor Discovery Center

5th Graders

Let me see, let me see!

Some bones & some fur

Turtle shell

Favorite animal, the Badger

What did we get?

Catching stuff

Soccer Tournament

Good Buddies!

Fun Weekend!

Sporting the mullet

  Piano Party

Such concentration!

Cousins doing a duet

Miss Laurie's Piano Crew

His mentor, Kendall

Cousins wet from the rain

Profession of Faith


Some Baseball



1 comment:

  1. Awesome job on your blog..You are a busy bee for sure & can definitely tell you L♡VE doing it..I enjoy things like this..Thank you for sharing



Me & Lu




My Boys

3 lovely children

chatting with the teenager